Argentinian born, UK based designer and maker creating unique leather accessories

Many moons ago, I began handcrafting leather guitar straps for some of the most influential musicians in the rock music scene back home in Argentina. Fueled by my passion for music, photography, and design, I found a unique blend in working with leather. What started as gifts for my favourite artists turned into an exciting venture when they began wearing my creations on stage. This led to custom orders, and soon, I was designing custom handmade guitar straps.

People loved the designs, but not everyone played the guitar, leading me to naturally transition into making leather belts (after all, more people wear trousers than play guitars!). Expanding my range allowed me to turn my passion into a way of life.

Then, a big twist in my story! In the summer of 2010, I ventured to Europe, where I met an English gentleman, fell in love, got married and moved to the south coast of England, where Backbeat Leather was born.

I hope you enjoy exploring my store :)